Geoffrey is a bottomless pit surrounded by 6'8" of gentleman. All-You-Can-Eat buffets cry when he comes. Somewhere along the line he still learned to appreciate good food, and worked for several years in a professional kitchen before moving to a specialty cooking store and a career in writing. A dedicated farmers' market goer, he cooks nightly at home with whatever local foods he can get his hands on.
Laura Shannon
Laura brings a degree in anthropology and biology to the table, and is currently finishing off a Ph. D. in crop genetics. She can't cook ramen noodles without following the recipe down to the last millimeter, but she knows a thing or two about eating critically. A long string of exacting elimination diets make her our resident expert on food allergies, additives, organics, and other issues of what should and shouldn't be in food.
Andi is the team's baker, engineer (oven problems? no problems), and strong vote in favor of spending a little more on a fancy place once in a while. We'd never make it up to the capitol square without her.